Why did i quit Facebook ?
Why Did i Quit Facebook ?
Data Integrity
Technology has advanced that it must allow you you need to know what is true and what is not. With Facebook, the need to analyse if a news is fake or not is getting nullified. There is a saying in my mother tongue "கண்ணால் காண்பதும் பொய், காதால் கேட்பதும் பொய், தீரவிசாரிப்பதே மெய்"which means, "Dont believe in what you see or hear, investigation is the best option". Now have a look at the below image

The image on the left is the original and on the right is the fake one created by someone. The worst part is, this information has been circulated in facebook like a virus. People just share and like the image without knowing if the information is true or not. Though its not facebook's actual fault but its being a platform to share and spread such fake news.
Though privacy is something which you can control, but frankly speaking how many of us read and set all those settings as per our needs. Default settings are definitely not in your favour. So whats the big deal in it ? I have read somewhere that "anything that is free of cost is because YOU are the price". My own information is the price of the service i get here free of cost. This leads to the gateway for the world to target anybody, steal their photo and do any sort of morphing they wanted to. As an individual from an average family i dont want to deal with such problems.
Dont really care what others are doing
I started to understand that no matter what, if friends really need you, they can / will reach you with / without facebook. My real friends are just a handful. I cannot believe to have 100+ friends just for the count sake. After all, not many of our friends like / chat daily, everyone has their own micro cosmos. Its truly not possible to spend time for them every single day by both you / them. And its not really important to know what other people are doing to be noted every single day in facebook
Having said that, now i really spend some time in reading books spending time with my loved ones. And i dont really have my phone all the time seeing facebook and checking notifications. For atleast now i feel i dont have / dont want to share anything on the social media.
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