Why did i quit Facebook ?

Why Did i Quit Facebook ? In the recent times, I was having this thought to quit Facebook a number of times. I used to just deactivate it temporarily and return back after some days. But one fine day i felt its all enough and was brave enough to quit facebook. Here are the reasons i felt that its better to quit facebook. This is just my opinion and with these Im not really forcing anyone to Quit Facebook. But definitely you must definitely raise this question to yourself to decide on it. Data Integrity Technology has advanced that it must allow you you need to know what is true and what is not. With Facebook, the need to analyse if a news is fake or not is getting nullified. There is a saying in my mother tongue " கண்ணால் காண்பதும் பொய், காதால் கேட்பதும் பொய், தீரவிசாரிப்பதே மெய் "which means, "Dont believe in what you see or hear, investigation is the best option". Now have a look at the below image The image on the left is the original and on the righ...