Conscious and Sub Conscious Mind

Beautifully said by Shiv Kerra in his book "You can Win" Conscious mind is something which can think, accept or reject. But subconscious is something which just accepts. Its very important which is fed into your mind. Feelings like anger, fear, failure, doubt, hate are not supposed to be, because the auto suggestions immediately active from your subconscious mind. So what happens when this is activated ? Simple, your subconscious mind simply accepts them and your body and mind starts reacting to it. Its always better and good to feed your subconscious mind with good and positive thoughts. The control to your subconscious mind is with your conscious mind. Subconscious like the automobile, but the conscious mind is like the driver which needs to drive it. The Subconscious mind can either work for us or against us. It all depends on how we train it and how we drive it. Subconsciously, certain things like emotions, habits, beliefs, long term memories are stored. Du...